
SkyTubeisanalternative,free,open-sourceYouTubeappforAndroid.ItoffersanumberofadvancedfeaturesthatYouTubedoesn't,suchasvideoblocker, ...,2023年11月24日—SkyTubeisanalternative,free,open-sourceYouTubeappforAndroid.ItoffersanumberofadvancedfeaturesthatYouTubedoesn't, ...,*Fixedappauto-updaterbugforAndroid7.0+*AddedItaliantranslations.*AddedPortuguesetranslations.*UpdatedSpanishtranslations.*Fixedb...


SkyTube is an alternative, free, open-source YouTube app for Android. It offers a number of advanced features that YouTube doesn't, such as video blocker, ...

SkyTube 安卓APK下載- 最新版本

2023年11月24日 — SkyTube is an alternative, free, open-source YouTube app for Android. It offers a number of advanced features that YouTube doesn't, ...

SkyTubeCHANGELOG at master

* Fixed app auto-updater bug for Android 7.0+ * Added Italian translations. * Added Portuguese translations. * Updated Spanish translations. * Fixed bug #94 ...


2024年1月29日 — However, there is an alternative app that aims to provide a better YouTube experience on Android: SkyTube. ... Autonomous car; how does it ...

SkyTube Q10 Carplay Wireless Android Auto Bluetooth5.0 ...

1.Wired and Wireless CarPlay Android Auto: Easily connect your smart phone of this car radio to enjoy seamless navigation, music streaming, voice assistant, and ...

Android Auto密技開啟Youtube (第2頁)

Android Auto密技開啟Youtube ... 試了Fermata Auto 可以成功看Youtube,多謝分享!! ... 想請問如果都已經按步驟安裝完依舊沒顯示fetmata auto只出現fermata control 問題可能 ...

【SKYTUBE】老婆不信!! 01的板友一定會相信我! ...

2024年4月5日 — 要購買之前深深的被封繪的禮裝給吸引,但是組裝過程中無論我如何解釋我太太依然不相信,不過我相信各位版友應該也是和我一樣是被禮裝給吸引對吧?

Is it possible to watch Youtube video's or Netflix for ...

2020年10月19日 — I bet you're new here. NO Google has made it so you can't use video apps on AA Even with car stream - you always have the media bar on the ...

Carstream (aka YouTube auto) working with update phone ...

2018年6月21日 — Up until recently google had blocked car stream via updates to Android auto and play services ... SkyTube :D two apps for YT video :D